Just my two centsI am a little peeved at these options, especially below the existing share price, BUT, and I am not defending the management, but just thinking as if I was in their shoes. I do not know what they paid for Lossan, not anywhere near the $40 million, I imagine, but if it was me in their position I would say, we bought this property, say for $5 mil and we just sold it for $40 mil, I think we deserve a little bonus for that. Not defending just putting out some reasoning based on human logic. Ark is right, they need to show real production by the end of the first quarter so they can land some contracts. You can either think short term here and get out and see what the world economy is going to do, or gamble on a buy out and hope we get a $3 to $5 offer. It is a bloody shame for such a great project and future projects in Madagasgar.
It seems such a no brainer for an Indian or Brazilian steel maker to scoop up, met coal and iron ore. I just hope they get their shat together and get this producing, you think with 350 worker you could mine 3 million by pick and shovel.