Has anything Geopolitically changed for Gold,s futThat questiioon has been answered by a number of experts and analysts recently and the answer 2 was a NO...Of course we all know about the currencies wars now ongoing between US$ and Euro, as well as other issues, however one issue that remains constant threat in the background is Stability of Saudi Arabia as follows.
Rhis Saudi Arabian extremely important is dbeing eliberately kept quiet and off the daily news, for very good reasons, involving the important issue of OIL and stability of Western Economies...Yes it is a fact that The Oil issue looks much better now for the US$, what with the US$ taking out Hussain in Iraq, Ghadaffi in Lybis etc...etc...
However, the principal and nmost important facotr, which stays the same if not worsening, is the isuue of Iran, and the SHIAS....Crown price Sultan mid eighties, passed away on past saturday , very little was said in the Media,...Of course this means that a new Ceon Prince must be named and soon...There is a BIG issure as to the new Crown Price is to be named by K> Addullah<s new council, or not....As IF and When that issue gets resolved, the word out seems to be that Prince Nayef, son of Sultan will get the nod...He is very closely associated with the SA Clergy...This then says to me that we may very well be headed down the road , with a full confrontation with Iran...Suni9 vs SHia clergy...This is very ominous indeed...
A little known FACTOID is that t6he SHIAS form a lerge part of the moslem population in many countries, including SA...and SA OIL is whtin the SHIS provinces of SA...Thisa was one of the "problems" the US$ had in the seventies whan Gold hit near $1000...How intense is this ongoing war between Suni and SHIA..well SA for years now has been interd\fering in Yemen , the sole and only time SA has interfered militarily....The Shias are winning ther, very very messy civil war, with what looks like no way out...The SHIAs are also making inportan moves in other moslem countries, supporting shia rebels, with a view to begib\n a revolt in SA...So far K Abdullah has been sucessful in bribing Shias there and in Yemen...But how long will this situation continue, in view of the FACT that K Abdullah is in his late 80<s , and a succession will have to take place, but who knows who will takeover as King, will the SA Clergy annoint the next SA King???...The Suni-Shia war is always lurking in and beneath Moslem countries...SO I would sAY in closing kepp your eyes on Yemen, it could be telling us the story to come....Now we all see why almost everyone expects Gold to do very well upcoming, and why this "problem" will be for some time...
Thsi of course is my educated view, and ipinon....govern yourselves accordigly....
sorry in advance for any and all spelling errors...not ime really to proof read....