GREY:NWSKF - Post by User
Post by
llamabingoon Oct 24, 2011 11:04am
Post# 19175641
Ana Paula Monster does have
Ana Paula Monster does haveA nice ring to it, i've often thought Newstrike Capital sounded a bit generic. I propose we wait for the Aptelecta drills and NRs then perhaps we push to rename her "The two headed Ana Paula gold monster." or given the land size perhaps the finds in area norte will require that our monsters name captures that area, could you imagine if anna paula is the other ounces, the carrots and rice, and area Norte and Sur develop to be the carne and papas its hard to read the webpage and not get strong sense the management is very excited about this large un-drilled land holdings. The webpage and updates are excellent and relatively new within the last month i think. if you have not been on Newstrike website lately check it out.
one of the lines of text that really set my heart aflutter was the following referring to area Sur,
A discovery here will redefine the boundaries of this important emerging gold camp as it lies to the west of the northwest trend of the current discoveries of the GGB.
There's nothing cooler then watching the batter point for the outfield bleachers and in the context i cut that text from you can clearly see we are in for a long wonderfully exciting adventure with this management team.
Im disconnecting again for awhile and will miss NRs unless they should come by the 25th i was expecting something this week thought tuesday after close anyone else expecting NR soon or our we in an drilling/ lab phase.
pura vida