RE: RE: SFF.VSeafield is following the same exploration plan as their immediate neighbour Batero. This area of Columbia is loaded with long intercept/ low grade gold.If anyone is expecting bonanza grades they should move on.Batero website shows the same basic intercepts as the Miraflores property the 43-101 is based on. The Dos property will show approx 500-600k when all is said and finished there. Expect 2 more holes from the Dos and the first round of the expanded Miraflores drill program to start rolling out in a steady stream of releases. This is resource building folks. Expect the updated 43-101 to show 2.6 mill plus ounces and the land package barely scratched. While I would to see huge grades, they are adding to the resource with every hole and thats what counts.They have enough cash to contine for 18 months so it would be fair to say it's early in the bigger picture. Quess what happens when Batero and Seafield have 6-8 mill ounces combined?