RE: RE: RE: Some serious questions.Cwericb said, "One more question no one has brought up and this is some food forthought.... When this starts to trade again (assuming it will), At whatprice would you be a buyer of more shares? At what price would you be aseller? Certainly this will depend a lot on what PWC says, but assumingit is not disasterous, I sort of see this as more of a long termposition for two reasons.
1) The damage done to the stock price will take some time to repair
2) Assuming new management with Chandler or others calling the shots, they will need time to get the company reorganized.
Also if the company starts to trade again, will there be a move byChandler to acquire more shares and what impact would that have on thestock price?
I am just thinking out loud here but no one here seems to be thinking beyond January - perhaps with good reason."
These questions have been answered several times in several posts. You are going to have to look for them.