RE: RE: RE: produx estimatesI guess it's a good thing that some of us are thinking as conservatively as we are. Let's run with that for a moment here...
Say the team is moving 200t/hr over a 12 hour day(doesn't get much more conservative than that).
Say they AVERAGE (across all locations) 1g per tonne(ok, so it can be more conservative than first thought).
200g/t x 12 = 2400g/operational day raw, visible gold divided by 31g per ounce troy = 77.42 oz per day.
Now take into consideration the grade of the gold extracted in the sluice boxes. Figure:
- X is the carat rating of the material,
- Mg is the mass of pure gold or platinum in the material, and
- Mm is the total mass of the material.
If we continue our conservative trend and call the 'RAW' gold 50% pure or 12 carat, that's 38.7 oz troy per day. Or at (currently) $1726.20/oz troy = $66820.64 spot price per day production high end.
Let's continue to be conservative and say that production costs are $400 per tonne. That roughly equals $5568.39 per hour - $400 per hour = $5168.39 per operational hour. That works out to roughly 194 hours of operation to turn the first million. At 12 hours per day, that works out to 16 days of operation.
My math may be off, my numbers are MY numbers - plug in your own, all IMHO.
Have a great day and thanks again to the team at Ruby Creek!!!!