TCFLot's of great stories on the venture exchange, and ours is just one of them. People stopping by and reading abbout TCF are going to say , it sounds good but what have you got that you can prove, and 3 holes with no RE is not a lot.
So until we can actually put some kind of a number (RE) on it,we are going to trade down where we are. With the markets starting to show some stability, and money that's been parked on the sideline starting to come back in, coupled with the RE, I personally think this will be an overnight winner.
With more news being released over the next few months TCF will be in a position to steadily move up in sp. In the last news release said they are expecting the RE in approx. 3 weeks, could be a little longer but it could be a little sooner as well. Good luck to all the people who believe. JMHO