Remember! Im the not the cause..........Your the cause of your own productivity; depletion of lost format greed or porportional value of an ajenda. YOu create your own digits/numbers that is precise to your demise, there is no burning bridges when you lose your shirt listening to these paid pumpers that take advantage of you weak/junior investment education.
Listen to Me, Im the one who has made 'smart money' take control of the undecided population calculations here.
Look at the math and drop your greed down a 7th % for a day or two and your income will dramatically arise, DO NOT listen to these daily pumpers WHO soak you in daily for there own personal life style and you the investor fall for it.
Too many pumpers are driving over 300k ferarri's on your dollar, so iether give them the cash by hand or just listen to there hype...............Your choice
Think wise