RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Salahuddin next Kurdistan?I never laid claim to being an expert... an O&G professional... certainly... I get paid to to review and analyse O&G assets... what do I care whether a stranger believes that or not? MY contention for SNV has remained constant... it's a spec play... with some fabulous upside... it is certainly far from the safest investment one can make and for the record... I got BACK in at 22 cents... and averaged down on these recent lows... I have my exit price... and other places to tuck the gains ONCE SNV reaches and gets over a hurdle or two... I STILL maintain that a reserves report compiled after the proposed drilling program is complete will create some value... IN MY mind the crux at this point is not the drilling... but how the contracts will address the security issues ONCE the Americans pack up and ship out... This is not like dropping a bit on the Canadian Prairie... or some West TX lease... where you can't toss a rock without hitting a lease hand in the head... The logistics, insurance and assurances required here are significant...
I expect delays... the question YOU should be addressing is HOW did you NOT take delays into account when you plunked your dollar down??? AND why do you feel it's your obligation to publicly whine about your inadequacies?
as always it's MY opinion git yer own.