No assets in the Fitz Washington Probate CaseMarisa Fitzgerald, third wife/widow to Mike Fitzgerald, comes from Spain. Is she an American Citizen?
Her attorneys conversed with Herbert E. Fyffe, who witnessed the March 30, 1969 Confidential Agreement (non-circumvention) while Brent Johnson was dealing with Kanco Stockholders Sharon H. Cook, Marc Galen Taylor and my wife, Karen in the Joint Venture/Corporate Resolution not signed by Vic Erickson back on March 15, 2011 while I was with Greg Miller, MWR's Seattle, Washington attorney.
I shared with Mr. Miller the FACT that Widow Fitzgerald signed a statement that the Estate is "insolvent" back in February, 2010 in the Probate Case against Tronox, a creditor against their former employee, Mike Fitzgerald. Why would Marisa Fitzgerald want to know about my direct involvement with her husband way back in the 1960s? MWR Stockholders need to ask Brent and JLCortes that question.
Thanks, spec72 for attaching the MWR Washingtion Press Release to this Chat Board. The Management is finally going to have a website for the General Public to get to know about the company, directly, and not through stockholder discussion groups through the USA developed Internet System. The US stockholders of Blanchard Coin appreciate ABX settling with them in the price control manipulation of gold. US Investors/Stock Brokers have done a thorough investigation into the "option agreement" scam of Jorge since he cut a deal with ABX back in 1997 (Villar & Patrick Garver). Pat Garver resigned from ABX in June, 2010 after my Reno, Nevada Affidavit exposing Garver to the Brigham Young University and others in Utah.