RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Salahuddin next KurdisTypical for a basher to take another poster's words out of context...and WE do not all have the same acess to public data... SOME of us actually have access to INDUSTRY data... public to be certain however only accessible for a fee most of the PUBLIC would not spend.
The company president suggested that ALL O&G stocks are CURRENTLY undervalued based ont the "street" not factoring in UPSIDE... and IF you consider a 20-30 reduction in O&G stock "quite well" which I might add is where I put MY money... then... one could only surmise that a 20-30 write down can only be good for bashers...and I never wrote that someone... would come out from behind the curtain... ONLY that the money backing SNV is solid and that ANY shortfall would be made up for ... Iraq is a fluid area of operations... IF you drop a dime here you would have to be pretty foolhardy to believe delays won't happen....
SINCE when is "guidance" a self imposed timeline??? I have been working on a deal here in CANADA... between two Canadian companies... and the closing of THAT deal has been pushed back 4 times... ONCE again Your lack of understanding in all matters of O&G is the only thing your posts highlight
and the cash burn you assert is for what???YOUR assertion being what??? that the managment group is simply jetting around the planet OR to and from IRAQ for what??? entertainment? Never mind THAT a major stockholder is a Mid Eastern Billionaire sitting on the board... do you think HE would sit quietly while some pasty Canadian squandred HIS investment???
FOR the record... MY assertion is simply this... SNV is a specualtive stock... HOW can one describe an O&G company with no production as anything BUT speculative? There IS no quick money to be had here...unless you'r gonna continually short it... I am an investor... I FIRT got in when SNV was a tech stock... I have recycled my money on the highs and lows over the course of the last 3 years... amnd over the next 3 years will eliminate MY risk until I am playing with the market's money...
We all do as we choose...
it's MY opinion git yer own.