Highlights from CCThere was not much new from the CC; they did highlight thatthey continue to look for a partner for Ansell, also they quantified the sizeof the project there, Ansell could yield as much NG as Husky is producing in NGtoday!, (the prospect is also liquid rich so it has good economics even atcurrent gas prices.) ; they also mentioned that they are identifying otherprospects with potentially very high impact (Ansell style), more information onthose will be given at a later date.
Sunrise, Liwan, and the heavy oil Thermal projects areprogressing well; while Tucker recently hit 10K barrel per day; They alsomentioned that a winter exploration program is starting in the NWT with 3Dseismic being acquired and 2 vertical wells will be drilled; their two explorationwells with Statoil has either been drilled or are being drilled, no informationreleased yet on the results, but they seem to be looking to buy more acreagenear Mizzen.
Lima had only 6% of its oil priced at WTI, and the rest wasBrent, this is why margins in refining were not as strong, but still doublelast year.
They did not comment on any possible acquisitions; but did indicatethey did not see something major or material at the horizon.
Basically the company appears to be in an execution mode, nomajor blunders nor major breakthroughs this quarter; more information will begiven to investors and analysts on their investor day on December 5th.
Steady as she goes...