RE: Looks good to me !“all this discusion about cut off rates etc matter how you slice it or dice it.....The GOLD is there at 97 % recovery rate and a cost of only $11 an oz......lots of zones and extensions to explore yet and the initial resource estimate indicates anywhere from 350-700 k ozs OR 1.8 million oz(if you want to use a different cut of rate lol)in a very small area.....fact is Windall is just that a Windfall in my books...this is just the beginning of what could prove out to be a HUGE DISCOVERY......the stock is easily worth $6 a share (IMO)” MaxT
Easy Max, I like your enthusiasm but $6.00,…60 cents would be a good starter valuation and much better than the 16 or 17 cents currently bid.
What is the difference…
Resource Gold Grade Cut-off
699,000 7.67 g/t 3.0 g/t (high grade)***
998,000 4.17 g/t 1.4 g/t
1,700,000 3.0 g/t 1.0 g/t (low grade)
(*** reported NR Headline)
All are current Windfall scenario’s,…all represent the same deposit using different Gold Grades and Cut-off’s. When talking valuation, High Grade commands a much higher premium, $150/oz vs $80 for Low grade reserves.
Currently o/s 111,716,319 shares, our 699Koz can be valued conservatively at
.94 a share. The Low Grade 1.7 Moz deposit can be valued at $1.21,…
Premiums could and should also be applied to Windfall’s Infrastructure, Location and Metallurgy.
Cheers, Mark