RE: I was just wondering
The following is an example of what a mill capital cost might be, but every mill is different so take it with a pinch of salt.
19 Oct 2011 – Life-of-mine adjusted gold cash cost, with silver as a byproduct credit, is estimated at $277/oz. Initial mill capital cost is estimated at $985 million...
Having said that, I don't think there is any prospect of a larger mill for the immediate future. It seems to me that Silvermex will:
1. Keep the present mill running to capacity to generate the necessary cash for everything else. Thus, mill maintenance will be a top priority. Without what amounts to owning their own printing press, , the Company would be forced, eventually, to go to the market for money. But they don't need to do that as long as the present money-mill does its job.
2. What must be done before there is any serious talk about a larger mill is to firm up the Company's present reserve estimates, plus assess (via drilling etc) what they have in their other properties, not the least of which is the Rosario Mine. They will be working towards producing an up-todate NR 43-101 for La Guitarra, and perhaps one of their other properties that will pave the way to identifying what to build and where.
3. At the same time, I am sure they will also be looking at other possible acquisitions. Sprott says the past couple of decades belonged to gold, but this decade will belong to silver. Sprott has a big stake in Silvermex, so I feel that the mgt at Silvermex will keep those thoughts in mind, and its eyes open for opportunities that might afford a quantum leap forward.
ps Sorry, I couldn't control those "bullet" marks. They keep coming and coming like bullets from a machine gun.