RE: RE: RE: ATWOOD BEACON UPDATEHere's the question I have about the Inpex well, why is it taking so long to complete? I know many have said it's due to technical problems with the drilling or testing, etc, but 4 months delay is enough time to drill another well -- Jaguar was supposed to already spud and yet we are now hoping it gets spud early next year? Isn't there some sort of a leagl issue here with Rig owners and those who have booked the rig to be drilling their well by now? Shouldn't there be a discount offered for drilling the Jaguar given that they miss schedule so badly? Could it be that Inpex first attempt came up dry are they are drilling a second one with results expected in December or early next year -- they don't want to release the well with nothing to show as they won't get another opportunity for quite a while given how long these Rigs are normally tied up for?