RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: NEWS NOT GOOD ON EVOLV I certainly agree with you but Rory is only as effective as the CEO allows him. I watch BNN regularily & not long ago they had a guest on that the asked what some of the mistakes (new age CEO's make). Without hestitation he said the #1 mistake CEO's make if failure to communicate with potential or current company SH's. CEO's have all the education.experience & accounting know how to manage companies (if they are good ones) but they never seem to posess the communication skills. This is probably because they spend so much time today with Twitter,facebook, E mails ETC that they no longer have the human touch. You know the guy that can talk you into buying a refrigurator in winter in Alaska. I also know very well the owner of our local KIA dealership who says the biggest drawback of todays sales staff is their inabiliuty to listen & process customer information to get them into the right vehicle. My point is in todays world everyone just expects good things to happen without developing the skills,knowledge, & understanding to run a public company. The CEO's & CFO's are only interested in talking to the retail SH when they need their money after that we become a pain in the a$$ to most of them. They forget that many times they are talking with institutional investors that a portion of the money institutions invest they do so on behalf of the retail investor. So Pi$$ of retail at your own peril. Sooner or later they run out of patience & instruct their brokers to sell or never to buy another company run by the CEO who just blew them off. We understand the risks & rewards & are willing to be patient but what we cannot stand is not being kept in the loop.If any company continuously fails to meet deadline the company will sooon go the way of the DoDo bird as should the CEO but they'll just move on to another company until companies get tired of hiring them. Then they will use the money they made ruining everyone elses lives to start their own companies & the cycle continues. That's why I keep track of the management teams that did me dirt & try never to invest in companies they run twice no matter how good the outlook for making money. They do not deserve my money or my loyalty period.