RE: RE: RE: RE: REneé degus, Rene never knew anything....but when you would have listened to him his 'enthusiasm' was nervwrecking over all the years. And......he told friends to keep their shares tight....while he sold two days later. He did call this " keeping the shareprice on a level which reflects the value of the story".......Meanwhile his friends lost hundreds of thousands of Dollar.Pardon, I have to stop my annoyens about this poor guy.However, he knows nothing, he just gambles. If there would be good news coming, there would be much more trading and buys. This gambler is only trying to make $2000 short term........while his buzy and clever father made multi-millions since he is in Canada. If I would be the father of such a money waster I would be ashamed about such a son - a son who makes shareholder and friends suffer and about whom people have to complain in the www....and who finally is not able to look into the face of his freinds.............and, be shure, he also thinks he is wonderful.