Political Risks:In addition to the Nov 28th 2011 election coming up, what about Suriname? We know from the past, Suriname is some what jealous of the oil. Remember back in early cz, Suriname gunboats chased CGX rig out of Guyana territory and CGX stock plummeted. Is that a possibility again, especially with any drilling scheduled to take place anywhere close to Suriname border? The UN did rule in Guyana favour but some sources had said that Suriname could still try to cause mischief and hold to the belief that the oil belongs to them. Could they try this act again after drilling starts?
Also, do keep an eye on the election. If PPP doesn't win there could be changes to exploration permit agreements. From sources, it is said that a PNC party win could make the country less friendly. If there's truth to this statement, then Nov 28th could turn out to be a really big day for all companies exploring in Guyana. Hopefully, no matter who wins, it never gets to a stage where things get Nationalized. I'll wait until after the election that is just 2 weeks away to see what will happen, Nationalization is something you never want to hear so hopefully the right party do win.