M&A Activity heating upSo... underwhelming Twin Butte scoops up undervalued Emerge to create a dividend paying (18 cents annually) heavy oil producer with a 70-30 (oil -gas) production mix... with 250K acres of running room and 30MM BOE of Proved reserves... AND combined production of 13K BOE/d... Here's yer chance to make a leap to a company that by MY estimate ought to be worth near $5.00 by the end of the second qtr 2012...
SO... so far... Daylight picked up By Sinopec... Birchcliff still open to offers... and two juniors combining their efforts to join the intermediates... AND PMT...downsizing????
for the record I do not own or plan to own EME OR TBE... maybe once the dust has cleared...
do as you choose
GLTA if your stil holding PMT