GREY:SWYDF - Post by User
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CravenRaven101on Nov 16, 2011 10:58am
Post# 19241589
check the volume
check the volumeThere's always a stack of shorters selling on the news... to pocket a few cents before the upward march. MY estimate on construction was near a Billion $$$ So... I am far from disappointed with the current price tag. with payout estimated at under 5 years... and the estimated stretch to first production there is little doubt that folks that have gotten in at the current level have and will be pulling their chips off the SWY table to deploy that money in something with a shorter horizon... Regardless of the current share price the LOWBALL resource estimate on this company suggests that Market cap should be nearer 3X it's current level...
Financing won't be an issue... and as management's guidance has suggested they would prefer to NOT dilute (at least not prior to first production)... I expect that given their timetable... that a series of convertable Debentures will be the most prudent financing... in combination with a marketing deal... an investment of $800MM to get a 4x return over 11 years??? c'mon... WHO doesn't want a some of that??? AND lets not loos sight of the fact that the current NUMBERS are CONSERVATIVE for a reason...
In any case... the drop today... IS an opportunity to leave the shorters behind... and look forward to a steady climb.
It's My opinion git yer own.