A Lawyer has been retained !The lawyer is renowed Kelly Gowlings who has worked at the OSC
I called for an appointment and will see her as soon as she gets in (she is retuning by air from business)
I spoke to Debra with the particulars and she will email Kelly. The case is STRONG and has merit.
You call her at 416-862-4432 and add to the list of claimants. She was very sympatetic and will help us.
I will pay the initlal fee (if any there may just be a % fee based on success).
I will know more about the fees when I see her.
Please call Debra and complain to her as that will demonstrate how disatisfied the BXI shareholders have been and how cheated they have been.
Thanks, Mike
P.S. ( my actual realized capital losses from Feb 1 2011 to Oct 3 2011 are over $ 200,000)
My family and friends have lost even more -- this is not right
This is not about being a sore loser because I know that investing is a risky business but the actual risks have to be FAIRLY DISCLOSED to ALL shareholders WHEN they are known.
A solvent based extraction system with 50 million in equipment that changes to another method (mechanical based) is a RISK PROFILE change and that MUST be disclosd in a timely manner.
Prairiebreeze advised me that they were NOt using solvent in June and I met with CS who admitted ( as did Scott Koyich) that ANOTHER method was being used (a secret patent pending ??)
Allt they had to say was - The solvent does NOT WORK and only ONE ton was produced so we are TRYING A NEW METHOD - end of story
A new method means BXI would be a very different company as this is a new very very risky business compared to 2 years of solvent based engineering expense.