RE: RE: RE: RE: Interesting CallOVG1, I've noticed in some of your posts that you attribute comments made by me to: Singing, Gemini or whatever the h*ll his name is. To clear up the confusion I am the one who is critical of management and he (?) is the one who thinks that the sun shines out of BT"s a**.
As to the state of the SP of ONC I can only say that despite the abundance of positive news time and time again from the trials the price remains in the low $4s. Why is that? Could the market be saying, " we have no confidence in the management of this company despite the plethora of good news, you have still not completed enrollment in the Phase 3 despite saying that it would be done by now and timelines have been consistently thwarted."
Remember this, this treatment has been shown to be COMPLETELY safe, it has proven efficacy, it is in Phase 3 trials and it shows enormous promise. The SP should be sitting at $10+. But the market says NO. Singing can rationalize it anyway he (?) wants but the market is the final decider.
Despite the above I'm convinced one day we will be successful.