MOZ and MOAI agree that the cores at J. Frank must be good for MOZ to raise $10 million so quickly. I suspect there is visible gold in at least a few. I also think that the MOZ half of VL will be sold in twelve months. Didn't they sell Marathon PGM post feasibility? Also the age of the Management is a factor. They are in their late 50's if not early 60's and it would take at least a couple of years and a lot of hard work for MOZ to begin producing gold. At some point you want to enjoy your success.
MOA may go a different path. The trading pattern over the last few months has been a little unusual. It began before the Little River results were released. A buyer through RBC began a committed and disciplined purchase of over one million shares, never going over
.60. I remember it clearly because the world markets were plunging and the price of MOA stock was going up on increased volume. My theory at the time was that the results at LR were good and the chinese were going to either buy LR or participate through a JV. That theory was WRONG because the LR news release suggests MOA can't find antimony unless they trip over it on the ground. However, after the initial large purchase of stock, RBC has continued to broker the majority (more than 50%) of stock purchases over the last couple of months, although the bids have been less discplined suggesting more than one buyer. In the last couple of days the RBC buyers have disappeared and the stock price is weakening slightly because of this.
I have observed this pattern, but I don't know enough to confidently speculate on what is occuring. I will note that Xstrata Canada does some business with RBC. They are familiar with and still have a small business interest in MOA. Perhaps they (or another mining company) are making a long term strategic investment or perhaps they intend to buy the whole company. The mixture of zinc, antimony and gold would work well for Xstrata.