Multi-million Ounce Deposit and GrowingA new presentation dated November 15 is available on the Company’s website, and is linked below. Pay particular attention to page 10, entitled,"High-grade carbonate base metal gold vein deposit (CBM).” The text on that page highlights the extraordinary world class potential of this particular type of deposit:
•Two separate stages of mineralization deposition can overprint one another resulting in higher grades (see image)
•CBM deposits typically have a vertical dimension of 1,000+ metres
•Known CBM gold deposits include: Porgera (>25 Moz), Kelian (5.7 Moz) Amatok (10 Moz), Misima (3.7 Moz); Montana Tunnels (35.7 Moz).
Next, scroll down to page 18 and take note of the deep mineralized intersetions, and note that they are referred to as "visual mineralisation intersections."
Page 33 has contains a list of a few analysts that are now covering this Company. They have a price object that averages about $12 a share. However, if Bruitica begins to rival Porgera and Montana Tunnels (and that is looking to be increasingly more likely) then these price targets will easily get blown away.
CNL_Presentation_Nov_15_2011.pdf (application/pdf Object)