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Silvercorp Metals Inc. T.SVM

Alternate Symbol(s):  SVM

Silvercorp is a Canadian mining company producing silver, gold, lead, and zinc with a long history of profitability and growth potential. The Company’s strategy is to create shareholder value by 1) focusing on generating free cashflow from long life mines; 2) organic growth through extensive drilling for discovery; 3) equity investments in potential world class opportunities; 4) ongoing merger and acquisition efforts to unlock value; and 5) long term commitment to responsible mining and ESG.

TSX:SVM - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Post by BNPUNon Nov 29, 2011 4:41pm
Post# 19276238

Do you guys realize

Do you guys realizeSVM is at the same price as it was back in 2006, when they were a fledgling company just getting started without even a mill for their silver?  And when silver was somewhere around $12 an ounce?

The stock market is 99% emotionally driven.  How else could you explain the current share price?
Bullboard Posts