RE: RE: As I said this stock would be down to .20I disagree with the statement that RM is 'drifting aimlessly.' In my view, and i have stated it before, the company has stated what they planned to do, in what order, and have thus far followed up with the plan. If you look at the Investor Presentation on Rodinia's website, it outlines the timelines for each stage of the Argentine project up to the PEA. It has met each goal within the stated timeline. That is hardly aimless. According to the letter to shareholders written in June, the follow-up to the PEA will be a Feasability Study with respect to lithium production from the Argentine property (reproduced below).
Q: When will RM have a good idea about the economics (e.g. costs per tonne and revenues per tonne) of the proposed production levels?
RM: These items will be addressed initially in the upcoming PEA scheduled for the second half of this year. These parameters will be further refined during the subsequent Feasibility Study.
So the next steps would appear to be Feasability Study, including how to finance production from the Argentine property. Since the company has been relatively good in following up their plans with actions, I would think that would be their next step. Anyone wanting to write to Investor Relations to confirm? In the meantime, I think the SP is disappointing, but is not at all a reflection on the company's actions, but merely of the general malaise on the markets currently. SP will continue to reflect the market sentiments until the Feasability Study is produced. All the news with this company thus far has been good.
Anyhow - this is one person's thoughts....