RE: Feeling Sorry, Part 2MY point is far less convoluted than Singing Germini states... beyond WHAT any market regulation requires there ARE hundreds of databases and sources to acquire information on any given company... to simply rely on someone's advice (as Germini has obviously done, otherwise why concoct such paranoid drivel) and to NOT understand that the stakes are SO high that OF course unscrupulous sots will gravitate to such opportunities... IF YOU do NOT take that dynamic into account LIke Germini, you will, end up like him... tossing conspiracy "poop" against the wall hoping that someone... anyone will listen...
I understand where he is coming from... this forum gives him a sense , misguided as it may be, that he is in the lion's den... and the HE , Daniel, is actually fighting the good fight...that his voice matters..and sadly.. I have for sometime offered him his foil...
paractically speaking... I would suggest that the numbers he bandies about... the disparate trading valumes are a function of population... it would stand to reason that since our Southerly neighbours are 10X us... trade voluem ought to reflect that...does it??? and what of volume... in MY mind such LOW volume suggests to me that the majority of shres are on the sidelines waiting for the "pop"
That's where the smart money in all this would be... am I a trader? an invesmtent insider? certainly NOT I make my money at the M&A and A&D end of the O&G business...why am I here? because the ONC story is a compelling one...a story that requires patience...and a basic understanding of humanity... rather than skewed statistics.
it's MY opinion git yer own.