News Soon...Been swamped with work. Have to admit I was very disappointed about the news of David's departure from the board. However I spoke with Mark two days ago for about an hour and I'm willing to give him some more time to execute on his plan.I notice that not one of you made any comment on someone picking up 1MM shares on Tuesday?! Hmm... interesting for such a dead f***'d up stock that someone was willing to drop $35k into the stock on one day.There will be a very thorough update at the AGM. There are plans, and several folks here are either hinting at them or in the know, but its not in our best interest for it all to be made public on the Internet - yet.He did mention to me that the one item he wanted made well known was that the stock holders rights plan has to be renewed every three years otherwise it expires and its important that people vote for it so it will be renewed.I've spoken with Mark about David H. and with David himself and both have said he will still have a role to play with the company. Finally as for Jacques Levesque - I'm a business man, and with some customers its better to smile and nod and let them think they are right than fight with them to convince them they are wrong. You often can slowly influence things along the way with honey. The costs were driven down at the last AGM significantly. Scud is right, if OX doesn't get moving, he will never get any more money to live on for his retirement. We're all bound together in this mess, lets try to work with what we have.Sailor