RE: Some chatter on vtr
Good read, here's the part about VTR
BS: Orezone fits in a new breed of deposits we're seeing in Burkina Faso, alongside Volta Resources Inc. (VTR:TSX). Those companies have relatively lower grades at 1 g/t, but huge size. All of them have potential for 3-5 Moz. The attraction of those deposits is not the grades, but the sheer scale.
TGR: Very few people know much about Burkina Faso. Can you give us a brief overview of its stability?
BS: I was in Burkina Faso last week. It had issues earlier in the year, when civil unrest in Côte d'Ivoire interrupted the supply chains for staples such as fuel and food into Burkina Faso. As a consequence, food prices went up, and the local populace grew uneasy. Now, the supply lines have been re-established and the populace is very supportive of the long-term head of state, Blaise Compaoré. The mining industry is flying ahead. Burkina Faso is one of the best destinations in Africa to invest in from stability and geological prospectivity bases.
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