Remedy, ie. what GBK wants:
From Amended Petition to BC Supreme Court June 6, 2011, Docket No. S112552 Vancouver Registry...this is a detailed 20 page report that you should all download and read. It costs $6.00.
84. This Court has broad powers under the CBCA to fashion an appropriate remedy upon finding that Goldbrook has been subject to conduct that was oppressive or unfairly prejudicial or that unfairly disregarded its interests. Section 241 (3) of the CBCA permits the Court to make "any interim or final order that it thinks fit, including" an order directing a corporation to purchase the shares of a security holder (s. 241(3)(f)).
85. Goldbrook seeks orders: (1) cancelling the Class "A" Voting Common Shares issued to JIIL in furtherance of the resolution passed at the JCML Board of Directors meeting on September 21, 2010; (2) prohibiting any future issue of Class "A" Voting Common Shares without the unanimous consent of the JCML board of directors; and (3) after appropriate valuation processes by an experienced and qualified valuator, requiring JJ to purchase Goldbrook's shares in JCML at fair value at the valuation date to be determined by this Court.