So what would one considera pop in share price? a return to $2.00? $3.00? $4.00? Here's a metric for you folks that believe that NG draw downs in the US stockpile mean something... In the Barnett alone... there IS ONE producer... kicking out approx. 1.2 Billion cubes/day... and over the next year... they expect that production to increase by another 200MM cubes/day...
key metrics an additional 200MM cubes/day by a single producer in a single "play" let us not forget that companies like Chesapeake et al are currently spending someone else's money to preserve leases to the tune of several Billion dollars worht of wells...
Has construction started at Kitimat? is there a pipe going to Kitimat? is the Canadian dollar offering a discount? Would international interests be interested in a small fishy like PMT? Are the Ridell's loading up to try and create value by removing shres from the market? OR are they loading up to average down so that when an offer hits the board room table they get even richer???
admittedly it appears that my M&A prediction for this company is running short... BUT I would still consider it "right" if it happens sometime in the 1st qtr of 2012... after all the moving parts are many... BUT there are going to be companies out there that HAVE budgeted for some BIG bolt on assets in 2012... will PMT be one of them? I think so... and judging by the number of shares insiders have picked up... I think they think so too...
So...whether you believe there is future value in PMT...or not... believe that commodity prices are a null point given that the US numbers have nothing to do with Canadian production.
as always it's JUST my opinion git yer own