financingone possible solution mentioned on the European bullboards is an equity offering of 100 million shares at 4 NOKS. Are you f#cking kidding me? Managements inability to close our in 21 months have absolutely killed us. It seems PAS, ESO, and NDA must have figured this out as 3 three brokerage houses have sold us relentlessly all year. Managements announcement of completion of financing by years end...only enhanced our lead brokers timeframe to continually short us. One of the main reasons I jumped in with both feet in NAU was management. With their inability to announce a positive solution we've been PAS puppets....selling into any rally, killing any forward momentum. By end of '11 we were to have announced DFS on both Pellivuoma and Hannukainen, as well as decision on transportation, and finally securing our loans.With only 2 weeks left in the year...nothing announced, I still firmly believe the 4Q of 2011 still means this year??? Absolutely disgusted management couldn't read the headlines European debt crisis....after no solution last year(9 months)it's now been 21 months, management should have sat down and re wrote a new gameplan. While i fully expect Swedish and Finnish governments will do all in their power to secure the jobs NAU have promised, us shareholders should not have to see our s/p manipulated by still trading on the Bors, while managements buddies (PAS and ESO) exploit managements inability to find solutions. In Jan. management should have either forced the issue with the banks(or did their equity issue north of $3.00) or pulled the plug on spending. Too bad us shareholders see our investment plummet 70% while management continues to receive fat pay cheques with zero results. ...don't worry managements portfolio hasn't suffered with the exclusion of Anders Hvide no one in management hold any shares. Still crossing fingers our management will find a credible solution(not a financing at 4 NOKS)or the BOD starts fresh with management who can get this done. P.S. wipe out the 3 years of salary for management clause in we are taken over ...they shouldn't be rewarded for their incompetence IMO.