TSXV:SLX.P - Post by User
Post by
mousermanon Dec 15, 2011 6:35am
Post# 19324190
Taxloss selling and other forces
Taxloss selling and other forcesTrying to figure the beatdown on some of these miners and have come to the conclusion that taxloss selling is one of the factors pushing down on SLX and other producers of the precious metals. Induced margin selling may also be adding fuel to the fire as the general market meltdown has investors running scared. AND as is if this isnt a strong enough wind created, we have the MF***** ing Global fiasco, where the banksters actually stole over a billion $$ straight out of customers accounts. The CME ( crimex ) assured all that they had backing for every transaction on the exchange, but politley told those investors who had their cash and futures contracts stolen, that they are sh*t out of luck.
That has caused many market participants to get the fug outa dodge, maybe invest in CHINA's exchanges where they still actually have some laws that prevent outright theft.
The fact that Corzine is running about free ( and not hanging in the town square) should scare all of us out of paper and into physical gold ,silver , food, guns or anything else that is real.
Did not foresee this attack on the precious metals , and how could anyone have foreseen the regulators and lawmakers condoning outright theft of investors accounts.
The fact that Bankcroft and other futures brokers have pulled the pin and left that corrupt part of the market has actually made it easier for the shorts to hammer the metals ( and whatever commodity they so choose ) down as the traders and hedgers dont trust the market anymore. SO volumes are down, and longs arent willing to risk their money in accounts that can apparently be stolen whenever the broker decides its time to bet big on euro debt.
No opposition stepping in to buy gold and silver, they have left the banksters to fight amongst themselves on the CME.
This will not end well.