Shadow If there is negative comments I will listen to them, as long as they are backed up with facts. Moriarty made some negative comments but he gave his reasons for being negative. You on the other hand make comments like" What Mr Market really wants to know is, how is the current PP coming along." The company only announced the PP on Dec 2nd and closing it Dec 16th. Surely you didn't expect the company to update you during that two week period. If you don't like the result when announced make a comment then, at least you will have a fact to back you up. As far as Cardinal is concerned, I read his posts and what I get from them is that he is long, and excited about where the company is headed. Cardinal has stated facts in the past as to why he is so high on TCF. Even though I read your posts I'm still trying to remember you saying anything positve about the company. jmho