Test Mining MusingsThoughts of sugar plums dancing in my head so I ran some random and conservative? numbers for discussion.
This is for entertainment purposes only:
Assumed- test mining for 180 days at 16/hrs- day = 2,880 production hours
Assumed 75 tons/hr- current previously stated capability as of the October corp. Presentation.= 216,000 tons run.
Assumed the meager .3g/ton = 64,800 g and round it up to 65,000 - divide by 30g/oz = 2,166 oz Au
Assumed $1500/oz (ok that one is high but what the heck- it's a nice round number) and I posit the potential that we could have produced and sold near $3.25mm worth of our testing effort to date.
Scaling up from there and first formal quarter of production pending, that'd be a fine sweetener just to kick this baby off. Merry Christmas to all!