do your own diligenceIf I convince just ONE person visiting these boards to look beyond the nonsense pumpers like you Shammy, post... then I willingly suffer the slings and arrows you and your ilk toss my way because it's no doubt that your arrows are rubber tipped... given that you probably are not allowed to play with sharp objects... I don't suggest one way or another how people choose to get involved in the market... ONLY that they do their homework before they DO... given your postings Shammy it must be bitter sweet that I have come along too late... I have witnessed you pumping this thing like a weather baloon all the way from +$4.00 to where it is today... and you claim to be still buying??? So... your either a glutton for punishment... OR you jumped from this train a long long time ago... and are creeping back which case you'r sooo low you'd need a step ladder to scratch a worms belly... given that you have all but promoted a hold while you sat on the sideline watching the value here crumble to your new entry point...
as always... MY point is to simply offer a balanced opinion... to suggest that folks LOOK into a whole host of nooks and crannies to determine IF their interest is being served by their investment...knowledge is power...I wouldn't ask anyone to follow me into a casino... so I would never ask anyone to believe anything I say...
I have worked in the patch since high school... in the field for 17 years... now handling paper at a corporate level... do I care that you believe me? it would be like me walking out into the street and telling a stranger I haven't had a cigarette in 6 months... does he care? do I care that he doesn't care? Seems you are making a very BIG effort to discredit someone who doesn't care about his credibility among strangers...I wonder what YOU have to gain???
as always it's my opinion git yer own.