Angryblue Here's a key phrase of the Ortsbo spin off transaction update:
To date, Ortsbo has garnered significant interest by US Banks, Venture and investment firms and has already received interest for a lead order of $20 Million from a US Institution at an anticipated pre-money valuation for Ortsbo Inc. of a minimum $210 Million USD, with further potential interest for additional financing.
The $210M if for the ''pre-money valuation'' what it means that $210M is for the part of Ortsbo that going to be spin off alone... For instance, if INT spin only off 50% of Ortsbo Inc, they're selling this 50% for $210M so the remaining 50% INT is keeping would worth $210M as well, so Ortsbo Inc would have a total value of $420M... I gave the easier example with % but you can play with it at will.
Don't forget us shareholder will receive a max of 20% of this pre-money into Ortsbo shares FROM the % INT remaining shares of Ortsbo... So if INT sells 50% of Ortsbo into the spin off, INT is keeping 50% so 20% of pre-money would mean INT should give this 20% of their 50% ownership shares of Ortsbo then INT would own 40% of entire float of OS Ortsbo shares.
Hopefully pre-money will be over-subscribed and go thru the roof...
GLTA longs