Taxdemicco Tax, You and I were once the warriors on this board fighting GOOD40. At the end, GOOD40 was right on the money in his assessment of these goats running this company.
It is very critical that you pay attention to the facts on the ground and assess your evaluation reasonably.
If not for this news that had injected some new life info tis stock, it was heading to 1 cents or total share consolidation as they had done in 2006. This management had messed up investors like no other company. They consolidated the shares in 2006 for 1 share to 10 old shares thereby hitting hard to old shareholders. They tried to mercilleslly dilute the shares with 90 million shares (60 mil to 30 mil warrants) this summer but were prevented by regulators. They have postponed drilling on this play more than 5 times. They have replaced their CFO more than 4 times. They are in default of their KRG contractual obligation and so can't even lay claim to full ownership of the block as they have not met the terms of the contract.
I am a shareholder again after this Genel move and will RUN if it fails.
So be very careful when you pump for these bunch of inexperienced Goats claiming to be OILMEN. They are better in mining and not in oil exploration.