RE: RE: JOIN SWISSTIME ON PRIVATE BOARD Some reasoning, this is only my opinion. The fact that Genel is negociating with LFD
confirms that there must be oil in the area. How much? Nobody knows, at least 5000
bpday. Recent posters come up with a figure between 40 c to 1$ based on all kinds of
datas. As a shareholder, the best way to convince Genel is to show them the trading price
of LFD in the market, and the best way to do it is to jack it up. How?
All shareholders should increase their positions by 10 % and you will see the sp
go up in no time to 45c.
To arrive at the aggreeable price , certain premium has to be added .
And voila! 1$ / share. BTW What is another 100 million to a Big Company liked Genel.
They are looking at a future billion producing oil field.
$ for those big oil company. The future profit might reach billions