TSXV:AAA.P - Post by User
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seekingalfalfaon Jan 01, 2012 2:59pm
Post# 19363129
RE: RE: High Demand and Tight Supply
RE: RE: High Demand and Tight Supply I agree mylar. potash producers had a very good year, but the market is always forward looking, and prices accordingly, although the valuations across almost all sectors is negatively skewed to the extreme presently. the announced brownfield expansions, and potential greenfield capacity further out has the sector underperforming relative to most imo. Allana is getting caught up in the mess, but as bad as it's doing, some are getting hurt even worse. perceived country risk is the culprit in our case. when fear rules the herd, good stocks get trampled in the stampede. look at what's happened to South Boulder Mines just north of us in Eritrea. they've traded around .80 last week and are currently around .90, after reaching a $6.25 year high, and their economics are probably the most compelling in the entire world, the shallowest deposits with high recovery via open pit mining. our biggest hurdle is off-take and financing agreements. once those are addressed, we are off to the races. we are very likely to be taken out beforehand, but I personally hope for production. either way, I'm accumulating to maximize return in any case. good luck to all Allana supporters in 2012. and all you buttheads who aren't reading this because you put me on ignore can kiss my grits :-)