RE: Lets Sue I posted the same suggestion months ago.
So count me in.
If they had done something like drilling ,starting to drill and hit nothing or high pressures or war, whatever then I would not as this was my choice and they tried.
But they have done absolutely NOTHING !!!
Would not have been suprised whatso ever to have wokien up any day during the last few months and management states "Sorry we are bankrupt and your shares are worthless"
Do not know about others, but how do you decide SELL ? HOLD ?
When you have no updates etc WHATSO EVER to base any some intelligent decision on ,what can you do?? Heell as far as we know this lastest rumour could be nothing but bs to extend the misery as so that LFD and GENEL can work the final $$$ from all.
Cannot beleive this is legal.