lookingf forward to tomorrow morning! It's now past 9 pm in alberta.. i have to work in the morning but i plan to rise a bit earlier to log in and check the newest NR or sedar report. i'm hoeping we stay halted tomorrow to be honest as i'm working but i have the next week off to trade after that hehe.. but that would be selfish as i'm sure you're all dying to see what this is going to trade at.. I sure hope it stays above the .35 range as at that number i've calculated pretty nice gains.. either way best of luck all.. those staying up and who break the news. thanks ":) have a good night and hopefully an even better tomorrow..
ps if it opens at something like .25 do u sell or add? hard to answer i know until we get full details.. but it may open cheaper then we think... could be an opportunity to make more.. time will tell