RE: RE: Court decision...AGM release
MSQ's position on Grimes Creek can be found here (the present court challange by the conservation groups is against the US Forest Service) :
Atlanta Gold to enter settlement discussions with ICL
2012-01-10 19:24 ET - News Release
Mr. Bill Baird reports
On Jan. 9, 2012, the U.S. District Court for the State of Idaho granted the motion for partial summary judgment sought by the Idaho Conservation League (ICL) and the Northwest Environmental Defense Center (NEDC) against Atlanta Gold Inc.'s wholly owned subsidiary, Atlanta Gold Corp. (AGC). The action was brought by ICL and NEDC in April, 2011, alleging violations of the United States Federal Water Pollution Control Act with respect to the operation by AGC of the pilot water treatment facility located at the historic 900-level adit and water discharged into Montezuma Creek from property owned by the Bureau of Land Management and administered by the United States Forest Service.
AGC anticipates filing a motion with the court to reconsider certain factual findings and legal conclusions contained in the order. The order granted by the court is not determinative of a penalty, if any, that AGC may be required to pay. The determination of any penalty would be the subject of further court proceedings and it is not currently possible to determine the likely outcome of such proceedings. AGC intends to engage in settlement discussions with the plaintiffs in an attempt to reach an agreement without further litigation.
AGC continues to operate the PWTF at the request of the USFS, until the closure plan submitted by AGC for the adit is finalized and implemented. AGC is dedicated to the principles of environmentally sound exploration, development and mining practices, and continues to focus on its daily