No Dead Cat Bounce From a technical perspective I have to say that SLI has been on the steady rise in price since the unloading started early yesterday morning. Pull up the charts every one if you know what a dead cat bounce is it does not last for almost two trading sessions. Also at around 3pm today 343 bid lots @ .90 cents were taken out quickly another bullish sign. I have read many posts here today and cannot belive some people think this is going back to .60 or as some moron said here .13. It will open tommorow close to or over $1 and thats a given. I also read the news release again and it states that these assay results are not indicitive of what might be in the ground with more results pending and also drills are turning as we speak. So bashers take a break and stop your idiotic analysis of what you think is going to happen to this company. This story is far from over.