RE: Swisstime's Intelligence I've had my doubts about you Cinco for well over a year now, and I must say that after this peice of trash that you posted my first impression is confirmed, and that impression is pretty piss poor.
Swiss has a very good argument, in that I have been of the impression that much of this low balling is being done by proxy for Genel amongst others. It won't make any difference the value is the value and I for one will not relinquish for less than around 70 cents to $1 a share, period. All would be advised to look very carefully at the historical prices here. There are many chalatans on this board trying to talk you out of your shares at very unfair prices. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see what they are up to, but clearly you Cinco appear to have either been taken in, or nicely ensconced as a resident basher. 20cents !!! give me a break, you have simply got to be joking, and if you aren't then you must have been bought off, or you are as dim as a 40 watt bulb. Your math as well as many others here simply doesn't add up. Newbies are smarter than you give them credit for, this is probably a very good buy at least up to around 30 cents. MHO.