RE: Interpretation of NR... The main problem is....that your are absolutely right. This blabla NR is a big disappointment.
Are there drill results pending or is this all we got from last years drilling campaign?
If this is all, we didn't find economic gold again. With this nr you can officially point the finger at me and call me a bagholder. I was confident that we hit even a meter of economic gold. I start to see this company with other eyes from now on. All what we did the last year was selling our only economic gold (condor) for peanuts. The only winner here is the management with those big sallaries..and the smart people who sold at 1,35...or 1..or 0,70...or 0,50 or 0.30 can$.
I don't think we will see 0,50 can$ again...because i bet a new PP is coming and we will have 200.000.000 shares trading in this year. I would be really surprised if we get the mg sale through...
and the chance of hitting gold ?
just like it's this NR nothing surpsingly new is released. This nice words for "no gold" and "the chances are good to find the sweet spot" were released after the last drilling campaign. And we got it again. Just nice words.
I hope the sp will drop to 0,07 can$ so that at least a good trade can be made for POSSIBLE speculation run in august or so...
they stated that they will start drilling in march...i bet we will start drilling in may. so lot of time for the sp to drop if we management has no joker in the hand. this scks!