RE: RE: RE: VAST OPPORTUNITY Well you are entitled to your opinion Kurd but I wouldn't count them out so quickly. I heard the same nonsense about WZR after their first attempt; and if I had listened to the people saying the same thing as you at that time (and I might add the vast majority of posters on that board), I would have lost out on a lot of appreciation of the SP. I wasn't selling hope then and i am not selling hope now. I am the realist here and you can bet your bippy that VST will either be in on the next drill or will be bought out at a very good premium before it comes to fruition.
This is not selling hope, besides if you are going to level that charge I can just as easily say you are peddling despair.
I also point out that I indicated in my post that they may very well need to get involved with some interesting financing and perhaps take on partners etc. with some possible share dilution to get the job done but I wouldn't say that is a slam dunk either. One just never knows what they have up their sleeve and how they may raise additional capital.
The important thing to remember is that they have a hugely valuable asset in Quara Dagh and this is worth considerably more than what is evidenced by the market right now, of that I have very little doubt.
You can look at the glass as half empty or half full, but far to many on this site are looking at it as completely empty including apparently yourself and that from my perspective is totally ridiculous.