RE: FUTURA...i want to know...................... - As we are just getting back in the swing of things over the holidays!
- There not it was an IT issue
- We now have a few areas covered with individuals that are paid on commission only
- Give it 30 days
- no, not until we are in a possion of strength
- no , and there are no plans to actually hire anyone on FUT payroll, it has never been part of the plan
- We are working on getting the US and western Canada up at full force, we are tring to make a unique deal for cash that does not impact share holders negatively, and we are training outside agencys to do this for us so that we dont' have to hire more staff.
Joey if you paid attention at all you would know the answers to your own questions....I'm in no way connect to FUT other then being a share holder and I can give you a rough idea of answers for all your questions. Are you trying to buy back some of thouse shares you sold at the end of the year for tax loss at a lower price. Seems to mee you are trying to get your .02 bid filled!