RE: RE: RE: last call for the cheap share All of the information above about the warrants are actually posted by management in their latest financials. If you do some digging around you will see the warrants are there with an explanation of how certain warrants are from merger/aquisition etc.
As of the date for when the warrants were exersized I did not ask. She just said that pretty much all of the .15 cent warrants were and some of the .19 cent ones.
As for your questions I think you should pick up the phone and call management about their website etc. I did my Due Dilligence for what I needed answered. I am sure she will talk to you about whatever questions you need answered. Just call her and maybe post online.
As far as I am concerned the latest sell off has all been due to the warrants. The latest results were earth shattering. If it wasnt for these warrants the stock would be much higher.