Is this the Senior Board? PEA, Feasibility and expanding resource, the news between now and April will be critical for the warrant holders like my self. Bought a few shares off the NYSE on Thursday after watching the opening bell.
The camp is year-round I take it. I imagine drills may still be turning? News of the economics of a combined KSM/Snowfield operation is also pending, monetization/combination of the 2 monster deposits only makes sense IMO. I urge folks to go to this website and look at the Snowfield drilling gold assays. This Corebox LINK shows the deposit in 3-D. Learn to manipulate these models, it is a valuable DD tool for me. Look at the scale of the model for Snowfield, those are Km not meters. Bob Quartermain says that Snowfield is the key to the conbined operation because PVG has 3 million ounces of gold sitting at the surface of Snowfield, see for your self. Those ounces will pay for plenty of infrastructure to see the entire combined deposits (geologically one deposit) just that half is owned by Seabridge. Another key aspect of the PVG ground is a corridor to the hiway and the access road under construction will connect the dots, in a manner of speaking. Those claims East of Brucejack/Snowfield also represent many Sq km of potential for expanded exploration.
Good things to come. Not Investment Advice DYODD